Social responsibility (CSR)

As an employer in the global labour market, Oceanwide affects individuals' work and lives and has an impact on companies all over the world and on society as a whole. Given this position of responsibility, Oceanwide will make every effort to ensure that its business interests are in harmony with the interests of its stakeholders - internal employees, flex workers, clients, shareholders, society at large and, last but not least, the environment. We believe that long-term success can only be achieved through a working environment that provides sustainable benefits to all stakeholders.

This policy has been translated into the following business principles, which apply to all employees of Oceanwide:

Business principles

  1. We comply with (international) regulations and requirements at all times.
  2. All our employees will be permitted to stay and work in the country to which they are assigned.
  3. All our employees will be paid wages that are, at the very least, in line with the minimum wage enforced by international or national law in the country concerned or local industry benchmark standards.
  4. Our employees will never be required to pay a fee for their mediation.
  5. We promote diversity and strive for equal opportunities.
  6. We do not discriminate against employees and we will do everything within our power to eliminate discrimination in the workplace.
  7. We oppose child labour and all forms of forced or compulsory labour and will do everything within our power to eradicate such practices.
  8. Health and safety is one of the company's top priorities.
  9. We will play an active role in improving the health and safety of all our employees.
  10. We oppose excessive working hours and will ensure that the working hours of our employees comply with national and international rules and regulations and benchmark industry standards.
  11. We support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights.
  12. We oppose and will work to fight corruption in all forms, including extortion and bribery.
  13. We will always be transparent in our reporting and honest to our stakeholders in terms of what they can expect.
  14. We will strive to reduce the adverse impact of our activities on the environment.